Career Coaching Packages
Working with a career coach can be incredibly helpful for students who are unsure how navigate through the process of choosing and preparing for a career. A career coach can help students better understand how their unique skills and interests could be applied in various career fields. Career coaching helps students explore different career options and create a personalized roadmap of each step they need to take to help them reach their future goals. A career coach can also help walk students through the college selection and application process as well. Working with a career coach takes the guessing and confusion out of the young adult years and helps give students clarity and confidence to successfully prepare for a career they are passionate about.
Jennifer has three career coaching packages designed for clients in various stages of the career planning and job search process:
Jumpstart Package: We start with an exploration of the client’s passion and purpose - or how to find that if still unsure. The client also completes a personality, interests and skills assessments to help match what career options would be a good fit for them. We analyze college and career possibilities, and job market trends. This culminates in the creation of a personalized college and / or career plan for the client that is designed to help them reach their unique goals. Designed for more motivated students who want to complete this process ASAP- must be able to devote 1-2 hours a week to calls and homework. (Eight week coaching package: one 50 minute call a week + homework projects after each call.)
Explorer Package: This package follows the same process as the Jumpstart package but is12 weeks long to allow more time for exploration, guidance and support through the process. Designed for the student who has more time to explore options and needs a little extra support along the way. (Twelve week coaching package: one 50 minute call a week + homework projects - this package allows more time for homework projects.)
Launch Package: This package is designed to help increase a client’s marketability in their job search - we look at resume crafting, successful job search strategies and interview skills. (This package is four 50 minute zoom calls.)
Transformation Package: This program is designed for adults who are considering a career change or actively seeking a new position. The client completes personality, interests and skills assessments and we review previous jobs and goals for their next position. Next we analyze possible career options and create a plan for the client’s next career goals. We update their resume and prepare for a successful job search in their new chosen field. (This package is six 50 minute zoom calls.)